Join Tell Them Ministries for a continuation of the 8 prayer watches. We looked at the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd prayer watches on the last broadcast. Let's move forward together. Each of us have been given an assignment to pray. We read throughout the scriptures about prayer. Daniel prayed three times a day, Jesus prayed and still makes intercession for us. When the disciples questioned Jesus about casting out demons, Jesus said, this kind come out except by prayer and fasting. We see that prayer is a very important part of our lives, ministry and help for others. The prayer watches give us strategies, information and understanding their purpose may help you with your prayer life. We should never pray amiss. We should be listening and applying what we hear. Some have been called to be watchmen on the wall, standing guard against the wiles and devises of the enemy at all times. When are you called to duty? Luke 18:1 says, And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ougth to always pray, and not faint;