Join Tell Them Ministries as we take a look at prayers watches. There are 8 prayer watches we find in the bible. Each of us have a certain time we were given to watch and pray. Oftentimes you may not know which time you have been given. Some maybe awakened through out the night possibly with a heaviness to pray and seek the Lord. Some may have a yearning through the day. I know we may pray in the morning before the day gets started, some may pray before bed. We may also come together in groups, intercessory prayer in your church. All of these are good and effective. The scriptures tell us that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much. The 8 watches are specific in addressing issues and situation in the earth. We are call to be watchmen over the earth. We are to watch not only for the enemies activity but also for the manifestion of God's plan. Join the conversation. Dial 1-323-927-3014 at 8am Saturday morning, August 24th, 2019...