April Gustafson is a data engineer at Spotify and is opening doors to better worlds through math and science. After working as a science teacher for both middle and high school students, April went to grad school for computer science and has kept the throughline of her purpose clear even as she’s pivoted careers. Fueled by the desire to make science accessible to those who have typically been shut out of the equation, April is holding the door open for a more diverse range of perspectives.

Throughout this conversation we explore redefining your purpose, grounding your identity in spiritual reality, examining false narratives, and daring yourself to start something new.  As you’ll soon hear for yourself, April has a big heart and with it she’s dreaming up better worlds—for both herself and others. We’re grateful for how April shared herself with us here and hope this conversation might spark some curiosity about how your own unique path might be opening up doors for those coming up behind you, too.

Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at empoweredhumanacademy.com/32

Keep the conversation going...

Table Question: Have you ever had a memorable spiritual experience? What did it feel like in your body?

Journal Prompt: What’s a false narrative that often returns as a loop inside your head?

Action Step: Hold that false narrative up to the light, examine it, and now write out a counter to it. What might be true instead? Dare to imagine a better world for yourself.

View the printable worksheet on Google Docs

Further exploration:

Watch April’s YouTube series: The Scientific Implications of Taking Song Lyrics Literally

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Beginner’s Pluck: Build Your Life of Purpose and Impact Now by Liz Forkin Bohannon

Surrender To Love by David G. Benner

This is a production of Lightward, Inc.