'I'm such a hot mess all the time'.....'I feel like I'm a disaster....I guess that's just how mom life is...'

Maybe you've heard those phrases from a friend. Maybe you've even said them yourself.

There is this 'hot mess mom culture' around us and it is not helpful for you.

Did you know that you can leave it? You don't have to be a hot mess? You can choose to step into a different direction and create a life you enjoy?

In todays episode...that's what I'll be teaching you.

- What is hot mess mom culture?
-Why do moms feel like they need to be part of it?
-What can you do to leave it....

I'm so glad you are here mama. I'm happy to support you on your motherhood journey and HELP you get out of this mentality.

You deserve to enjoy motherhood. You really do. And it's also possible :)

Here is my new Emotionally Healthy Mom Course I recently released! It is a fraction of the cost of my 1:1 program. It's all self paced and you can do it at your own time.

👉🏻Looking for 1:1 support? My 6 week 1:1 Be less stressed coaching program might be the perfect fit.

If you want to learn ways I can support you, book a free stress management call with me!

👉🏻Feeling overwhelmed and don't know how to calm your body and brain? Download my free Guide.


👉🏻Connect with me @ Emotionally Healthy Legacy IG page

[email protected]