Lisa Anderson is pivoting 25 years of experience in human resources into a movement to help you learn how to keep the peace in the workplace. After 25 years in the trenches, she has seen a thing or two of inappropriateness!
Lisa is launching her own platform helping women improve their careers and helping companies improve their work environments.

Think about it, you spend so much time at work, everyone deserves to enjoy not only what they do, but also where they do it. Take a leap of faith and pursue your passion. Do your part to make your office pleasant. Lisa gives us a wealth of information to expand our tool box for everyday living.

Enjoy the interview!

Host: Anita Washington, That Anita Live

Topic: How To Keep The Peace In The Workplace

Guest: Lisa Anderson

Guest’s Instagram: @PositivelyInPursuit

Lisa and I would love to hear from you. Drop your thoughts in the comment section below. Have you ever had a difficult boss? What happened?