Do you have a therapist? Many of us do! Someone to trust with our inner most thoughts and feelings. Someone to talk things through with… If you don’t, what you do have is options and my guest this week is one of the best in the mental health business. In our interview, she drives home the point that Therapists are people too! She’s Clinical Director of the National Pike Health Center in Maryland, the one and only, Icia Ragsdale. She’s also co-host of On The Couch Radio, a mental health radio show broadcasting on WOLB 1010AM in Baltimore and author of bestselling book, Letters for you. She shared intimate details and exhibited clear vulnerability in our interview. From addressing the stigma placed on mental health to how she worked through a number of her own life altering tragedies.

In addition, we all want you to know Mental Illness is not a menace to society. Each of you must do your part, conduct research, work to understand what mental illnesses are and how you can show compassion and respect. Not command and control. Remember, no one wants to be fixed, we want all to be heard. A must see! Watch now!  

Host: Anita Washington, That Anita Live
Topic: How to Work Through Your Emotional Baggage
Guest: Icia Ragsdale

Guest’s Website:
Icia and I would love to hear from you. Are you looking for a good therapist? How do you work through your baggage? Leave us your thought and comments below.