This episode is like Spiritual Awakening 101 for humans who are going through a massive paradigm shift as they “wake up” to life. A spiritual awakening can mark the beginning of your initiation on the spiritual path and it can be challenging to navigate this radical shift without supportive information, tools, community, & teachers. I will help your Soul jump on board this Spiritually Woke AF ship and it will be smoother sailing. I got you, Soul Fam!

Here’s what I explore:

What a spiritual awakening is…no, it’s not just enlightenment, friends. Why awakening happens over the course of our lifetime, but one single event can feel like a cosmic explosion in the consciousness of your being. Hint: It’s like you’re Neo being offered the blue pill vs. the red pill and your Soul chooses the red pill. My personal experience waking up and beginning my Ascension process. Signs and symptoms on a physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual level of having a spiritual awakening. How to support yourself with practices, healers, and intuitive exploration as you navigate your awakening process. Confirmation that you are not alone (you’re not crazy, promise!) and millions of humans are waking up and radically taking charge of their Soul’s Evolution as we Ascend as a species and a planet.