Have you been hiding your gifts or talents? Are you afraid to be seen in all of your Light? If you are nodding your head, this episode is for you! Sarah dives into how to begin stepping out of the shadows, so you can feel confident being seen & heard in the world for who you authentically are.

What she jams on:

Mirror Work. It's time to show up and see yourself for the beautiful, vibrant Soul you are. Shadow Work. Your gifts are hiding in your Shadow. It's time to shine a Light on the repressed parts of yourself so you can share your gifts with the world. Holding Space. It's time to let every part of you be witnessed and seen. Open Your Heart. When you show up in a vibration of love, you begin to see yourself in all of your magic. Own Your Authentic Power. Your authenticity is some potent stuff. When you embrace your uniqueness, you show the fuck up and stand in your Sacred Power. Practices that you can begin today to make your way out of hiding and show up in your potent essence!

Find out more about the work Sarah does at www.sarahbrockman.net