Internships play a crucial role in shaping the careers of young professionals, providing them with valuable industry experience and insights. In this podcast episode, Rob Khoury shares his journey of discovering how to create the best environment possible for interns. Inspired by an incredible intern who taught him the importance of meeting interns' needs, Rob offers valuable insights for employers on optimizing the internship experience.


Creating exceptional internship experiences requires intention, ongoing communication, and a commitment to the growth and development of interns. By following the principles of exceptional internships, employers can provide valuable learning opportunities, foster meaningful connections, and make a lasting impact on the next generation of professionals.


Whether you’re an organization wanting to create the best internship experience, an intern wanting to benefit from an internship or an educator helping students find internships, this episode will provide invaluable insights.


About Rob Khoury:


Robert J. Khoury is co-founder and CEO of Agile Rainmakers, a high-impact business development consulting and advisory firm based in Chicago’s Gold Coast. Previously, he had a 20+ year career in the financial industry that had him in many leadership roles.


Rob earned a BSE in Electrical Engineering at Princeton University and his MBA in Finance and International Business from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. He led personal and professional development seminars for Landmark Worldwide for several years.


Rob is co-author of How To Intern Successfully: Insights & Actions to Optimize Your Experience.

  Jump in the Conversation:


[1:38] - Where Rob’s story of transformation began

[3:09] - What is Agile Rainmakers

[4:35] - How employers can attract interns that are the best fit for

[6:25] - An investment in the intern is an investment in the intern

[7:49] - Have interns check in with their friends and bring their feedback back to you

[13:21] - Help potential interns get really clear so they know what they're looking for

[17:33] - Network to get to know people, not to find an opportunity

[18:16] - What kind of mentoring employers should provide

[21:39] - 9 principles of exceptional internships - THE BRIDGE

[29:53] - We need more organizations to mentor

[32:20] - Turbo Time

[33:49] - What people need to know about creating meaningful internships

[36:20] - Rob’s Magic Wand

[38:42] - Maureen’s Takeaways


Links & Resources


DeBruce Foundation

How to Intern Successfully: Insights & Actions to Optimize Your Experience by Rob Knoury

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Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

The Education Evolution

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EdActive Collective

Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

The Micro-School Coalition

Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition


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