Parenting is challenging. We go from being caretakers to teachers to mentors to travel companions and there’s a learning curve at each step of the journey. The one that sticks out to so many is the transition into releasing young adults into the post-high school world. There’s an entirely new language for parents and students alike and it’s not easy to navigate.


This week on the podcast, I’m talking with Colin Pears, founder of Highpoint Education. Colin saw a communication and development need for new college students and created a resource to bridge this gap. So many high school graduates go into college not having the maturity and sense of self to make the most of it. They need support in the transition.


A circle of care is necessary for these young adults, and Colin and his organization have created a resource to make that happen. Tune in for our conversation around what post-secondary education preparation should look like; how parents and students can find the right tools for their needs; how we can reimagine the relationship between students, parents, and institutions; and more.


About Colin Pears:


Dr. Pears is the founder and executive director of Highpoint Education, a company dedicated to providing students and families with the support they need to navigate the transition from high school to college and ensure that students are successful once they arrive on campus. 


Dr. Pears was formerly the University Director of Academic Support and Advising and Co-Director of The Center for Academic and Career Success at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He is an expert on student success and retention and has teaching experience at the primary, secondary, and university levels of education. 


As a higher education administrator, Dr. Pears developed support frameworks and retention initiatives for high-risk, under-represented, and underserved students, served as a professional consultant, and trained faculty, advisors, and academic coaches on important aspects of student engagement and pedagogy. He holds an MA in Political Science and an MA in Philosophy from Boston College, and a PhD in Philosophy from The Catholic University of America.


Jump in the Conversation:


[1:45] - Colin’s story of school transformation

[4:39] - What happens in transition to college

[5:45] - We’re asking too much of college students

[6:35] - Creating circle of care with public health model

[7:40] - Students need to be prepared for questioning their beliefs and figuring out who they are

[9:38] - What post-secondary education preparation looks like

[15:01] - When parents and students should get started

[19:25] - Students can’t be effective without the right skills and tools

[20:55] - Parents/student relationships have changed

[24:21] - The greatest success for parent/child relationships 

[26:33] - How to shift the thinking that college is the path for everyone

[31:07] - The reality of 4-year to 2-year colleges is vastly different

[32:37] - Educational access is important  

[34:09] - Turbo Time

[44:20] - Colin’s Magic Wand

[46:12] - Maureen’s takeaways


Links & Resources


Highpoint Education

Connect with Colin on LinkedIn 

Follow Highpoint Education on Facebook 

Email Maureen

Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

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Twitter: Follow Education Evolution

LinkedIn: Follow Education Evolution

EdActive Collective

Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

The Micro-School Coalition

Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition



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