Homeschooling often gets a bad rap because of myths that parents believe about it. Contrary to popular belief, homeschooled kids have numerous opportunities to socialize or participate in group activities. And what many families experienced while their kids attended remote school during the pandemic is not an indication of what homeschooling looks like.


This week on the podcast, Mandy Davis, a former school administrator, shares what homeschooling looks like in her home. She shares her insights and experiences in creating a nurturing and empowering learning environment for her children.


In our conversation, Mandy highlights the importance of open conversations about educational options, advocating for children, and the power of community and connection in parenting.


Listen in and gain valuable insights into authentic, student-driven learning and the power of homeschooling in nurturing well-rounded individuals. Let's continue to challenge the status quo and create educational environments that prioritize emotional well-being and individualized learning experiences.


About Mandy Davis:


Mandy Davis is a former school principal with a background in both public and private education. With a passion to provide both a solid academic foundation alongside life-giving opportunities and freedom for her children, she watched her priorities and goals shift.


Bringing all of her focus back to the home, Mandy and her husband, Josh, found themselves moving their family on 10 acres in Central Oregon, and creating the life they had only dreamed could exist. Now a homeschooling, homesteading family of five, Mandy shares her stories and experience to help other mom’s find joy through giving their children a wild and free life!


Homesteading, homemaking, homeschool, student centered learning, COVID’s learning disruption, charters, distance learning, interest led learning, rise in problematic behavior in schools


Jump in the Conversation:


[2:02] - Where Mandy’s educational activism came from

[3:50] - What Mandy created for her family

[5:08] - what’s working for Mandy and her kids

[7:26] - Struggles in homeschooling

[9:03] - Transformations that come from this model

[14:40] - Easing into homeschooling

[16:12] - The importance of connecting with other homeschool families 

[18:08] - What goes into school choice

[22:38] - What’s next for Mandy and her mission

[23:25] - Turbo Time

[24:28] - What people need to know about authentic, student-driven learning

[25:15] - How to be an activist to transform learning

[26:08] - Mandy’s Magic Wand

[26:52] - Maureen’s Takeaways


Links & Resources


Homebuilt Education

Follow Mandy on Instagram

How to Get Started Homeschooling

8 Types of Homeschooling

Email Maureen

Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

The Education Evolution

Facebook: Follow Education Evolution

Twitter: Follow Education Evolution

LinkedIn: Follow Education Evolution

EdActive Collective

Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

The Micro-School Coalition

Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition


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