On this week's In Focus session I discuss how to forgive yourself and live free from the past and judgement of yourself.

In this episode I read some extracts from a Syd Banks audio, something that I've already done in other In Focus sessions. This week, I breakdown the audio "Forgiveness And The Power Of Thought", in which Syd Banks explains how not forgiving yourself means living forever as a prisoner of your past. Of your traumas, of your judgments, of your negative feelings. I've seen this in my own life: for years I lived having misconceptions about myself and judging my past actions in the heaviest possible way. I was a prisoner of my own past, of my own thoughts. But what I've now realised is that forgiveness is freeing. 

On this episode I discuss:

Forgiveness and love
How to forgive yourself
We are prisoners of our own past
What are we judging ourselves for?
Forgiveness is freeing

If you enjoyed this session and think there is someone you feel would benefit from hearing it then please make sure you share it with them :)

Produced by Michele Azzu

Music by Hobgoblin

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