Did you take a listen to Part 1? Well we left you with that fun little cliff hanger, and Part 2 is out and ready for your listening pleasures. In the last episode I just had to stop and make this a two part episode. Because it was just getting that good and I just had to keep all the juicy wins and goals in there without making 1 episode over an hour long. So take a listen to Part 2 of my interview with Sabrina and learn what her biggest goal she has accomplished so far inside the Sane & Sustainable Method Program and how it ties back into her application that she filled out back in April. It's defiantly an episode you do not want to miss out on.

Have you always been curious about what happens inside of the Sane & Sustainable Method Group Coaching Program? I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with one of my current Sane & Sustainable Method clients Sabrina, and in this episode we packed a lot amazing inside knowledge, wins, and struggles that Sabrina is facing in the program. She has been inside the program since April and has already crushed so many of her short term goals and one long term goal that she didn't even know she accomplished!!

So take a listen to this episode and find out how:

How Sabrina's biggest accomplishment she has made inside of the Sane & Sustainable directly correlates with her application she filled out months ago. [2:50] I explain how The Sane & Sustainable Method Program can not only work for your fitness journey, but in every aspect of your goals. This program isn't just about weight it's about your life. [14:39] Find out what Sabrina's advice would be if she ever met someone who has been struggling with their relationship with food and needed help with mindset. Also get an inside peak and learn about one of the mindset exercises that we use inside of The Sane & Sustainable Method Program [30:43] As always take a screen shot of this episode and tag me on instagram (AnderKat30), tell me your favorite part of today's episode, and ask any other questions you have about the Sane & Sustainable Method Group Coaching Program. Also tag Sabrina on instagram (LadyD1720) as well and show her some love as she still continues on to accomplish her goals.    Love Your Faces,   Kathie Anderson