In Kathie's episode this week, she shares a really powerful message about how you've been killing your own motivation. 

Through helping change her clients lives and mindsets, she found that a reward system is so effective for a healthy weight-loss journey, or really any goal!

Instead of rewarding ourselves once we hit a certain number on the scale, or certain measurable outcome, she encourages the listeners to reward to be consistently rewarding on yourself regardless of the outcome.

It can be a point system. Every time you take an action you earn a point so then you can continuously put those actions in place. 

Reward yourself based on showing up, putting in the effort, putting in the work, and doing the things. This is great whether it’s expanding a business, a weight-loss goal, another personal goal.

Celebrate yourself along the way. Don’t wait for outside factors to tell you, you are worth celebrating.

 This type of reward system helps you enjoy the process, you deserve a pat on the back every step of the way just because you’re showing up and doing the things regardless of the outcome. A lot of people who pat themselves on the back get the results and even faster because they’re not constantly being discouraged by waiting for an outcome to feel good. They’re teaching themselves to feel good every step of the way all along the way. 

If you focus on results, you may end up doing it the wrong way just to get to it. Don’t teach yourself backward principles.