Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're avoiding a topic or a task? You feel an uncomfortable twist in your gut or maybe you notice it in someone else, like when they're fidgeting or avoiding eye contact at the start of a conversation. 

Trust me, we've all been there. And often, we're not quite sure if we're avoiding the thing because we're just not ready to face it or if we're actually preparing ourselves for the challenge ahead.  

The good news is there’s a way to make the discomfort work for you. But first, you need to understand the distinction between the right kind of hard and the wrong kind. The right kind of hard acknowledges the discomfort. It helps you inch your way into it even if you're not sure what is on the other side. It's about being real with yourself, even when it's tough. 

On the flip side, the wrong kind of hard is all about pretending. Toxic positivity, delusional thinking—basically telling yourself (and others) a story to avoid the real conversation. The wrong kind leads to unnecessary suffering.

In this miniseries on “The Right Kind of Hard,” we will learn how to identify the right kind from the wrong kind and how to get plugged into useful work so that we can move along a path that helps us grow. 

I’m so glad you’re here as part of the “Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs” community. Thank you for listening!


If you’d like more content like this and you want to stay in the know, hop on over to my website (https://danielleireland.com/) and hit subscribe. There you will always be up to date on the latest learning material, my blog, and other content. Just click on the website so that you never miss out.  

THE TREASURED JOURNAL - https://danielleireland.com/journal

I believe in the power of journaling to achieve the clarity needed for personal growth. It’s just that simple. When you start journaling, it’s not essential that you use The Treasured Journal—a plain sheet of paper will do. But, the questions, prompts, and sentence stems in the journal will help guide you as you examine the important themes in your life. Learn more about this specially designed journal and its companion, the Meditation Series, at https://danielleireland.com/journal.


I greatly appreciate your support and engagement as part of the “Don't Cut Your Own Bangs” community. Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or anything you'd like to share. You can connect with me at any of the links below.

Website: https://danielleireland.com/

The Treasured Journal: https://danielleireland.com/journal

NEW! Substack: https://danielleireland.substack.com/

Blog: https://danielleireland.com/blog/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleireland_lcsw

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielleireland.LCSW

Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@danielleireland8218/featured