Welcome back to a brand new season of “Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs!” 

Diving back into podcasting after a bit of a hiatus—actually, diving back into anything after a hiatus—can prompt procrastination and cold feet, especially when life has dramatically changed in the meantime. Have you experienced that, too?

Late last year my husband and I had a second child—a baby boy—and his older sister is now a “threenager!” So, as I sit down in front of the microphone again, well, there is a lot going on. Some moments are hard, but it's a beautiful kind of chaos with unexpected turns and occasions of pure joy. 

Through it all, I’m seeing a theme emerge and many of my clients are experiencing something similar. We’re willing to do the hard work to improve ourselves, our parenting, our relationships, and our careers. But, are we investing in “the right kind of hard?” Is the work serving us and helping us be the best we can be? How do we know if we’re on the right path?

We will focus on this universal theme in a series of new episodes that include personal stories, engaging guests, practical exercises, journal prompts, and more. So, if you’re feeling stuck or looking for direction, tune into the series and we’ll figure it out together. 

I’m eager to get going on this new season of “Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs” and I’m thrilled that you’re along for the ride. Thank you for listening!


I’m now on Substack and I’d love for you to check it out. Substack is its own platform that is teeming with my favorite thought leaders, writers, and authors—incredible people who are asking interesting questions and exploring interesting answers. I'm throwing my hat in the ring and putting engaging content out there, too. So, click the link (https://danielleireland.substack.com/) to subscribe. You’ll stay up to date and never miss out on the best new material. 


I greatly appreciate your support and engagement as part of the “Don't Cut Your Own Bangs” community. Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or anything you'd like to share. You can connect with me at any of the links below.

Website: https://danielleireland.com/

The Treasured Journal: https://danielleireland.com/journal

NEW! Substack: https://danielleireland.substack.com/

Blog: https://danielleireland.com/blog/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielleireland_lcsw

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielleireland.LCSW

Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@danielleireland8218/featured