“Just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true.” That’s what Katie reminds herself when she has an automatic negative thought. If you’re anything like her -- or me! -- you excel at worst-case scenarios. Something unforeseen happens, and in the span of about a second you go from “something isn’t great” to “I’m going to end up homeless.” In this edition of Doing What Works, we’ll show you techniques for stopping that cycle. We’ll inspire you to make best-case scenarios the default. Wouldn’t that be something?

Here are your show notes…

Dr. Daniel Amen [https://brainmd.com/blog/how-to-stop-negative-thoughts/] suggests you challenge what he calls “automatic negative thoughts.”

You, too, could be a Biocybernaut [https://www.biocybernaut.com/maureen-anderson/]!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t -- you’re right.” That’s from Henry Ford [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/978-whether-you-think-you-can-or-you-think-you-can-t--you-re].

The Untethered Soul [https://www.amazon.com/Untethered-Soul-Journey-Beyond-Yourself/dp/1572245379], by Michael Singer, will help you wrangle the unhelpful voice inside your head.