Rhyme to Rhyme, Beat to Beat of Recovery with Rami Matan

Words of metered rhyme has been a pastime to get outage of inner - conflict or reflect

Like with beat poetry, words have the propensity to make the audiences cry, think, become enraged and hopefully not kill anyone . . . There’s no such thing as justifiable homicide.

Words also have the ability to give hope. The best thing about sobriety is words are made concrete with action . . . . . Or beats as the case May be.

This is why Rami Matan puts words to paper and makes them into beats. His heartbeat is moving on. His words are . . . There is hope and a future.

He’s here to talk about his story, his love of rap and combining humor with his beats to create another outlet for people to find courage . . . Without Dutch courage.

Rami is on instagram @koshadillz

Request access now to ask questions or come on stage with us.

Thanks for listening xo Daniella Park & Chris Nell

Check out my everything recovery store @ doingitsober.com