Hosted by Daniella Park and Chris Nell. Be part of the show

Every given moment involves change. It’s an uncomfortable phase, but the meddle of every given human being is forged in fire - integration or evolution. What works for you and what doesn’t? In a dysfunctional society and sobriety, a clear blueprint is never provided, which is why mentorship is almost a compulsory given. On the opposite end of the coin, continuous independent study is a faithfully enriching tool. The best part is it is going from failure to failure with unfinished enthusiasm, to quote late Prime Minister Winston Churchill, while also embracing change. This is the independent study that Jarrod Collier embraces fully.

Jarrod has enjoyed recent success as founder of the initiative Strength In Time and his podcast, entitled Redeem Yourself. During his visit to DIS Live, he chats on his path to recovery, some lessons he purveyed, and how exactly to go about to Step Out The Box.

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Tune in on DIS Live, every Tuesday 5 pm Est 2 pm PST Thanks for watching! xo Daniella Park & Chris Nell

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