For both constituents of “normality” and early Recovery . . . Be honest it’s an unpopular war.

In the Big Book, a passage is even dedicated to how simpler times have been, when the sanity of the first drink was the order of the day.  Now with all barriers stripped and deeds laid bare (don’t get any ideas), now an uncertain future looms on the horizon . . . Although that notion should be replaced with the beauty of the Savannah to indicate what potential is to be found.

However, like building muscle, or building a business or a brand, to quote the once legendary Australian rugby union coach and omnipresent commentator Alan Jones: “The Keys to success are the three P’s - Pressure, Pressure, Pressure.”

Luc Zoratto, a rising Canadian hobby athlete understands this well. Not only in athletics but as well as in life.

Having achieved sobriety since 2016, Luc today is a doting family man and a devotee to his well-being. He chats to us about his history with AUD and how his devotion to running has aided his recovery.

He’s coming to DIS Live . . . And we want to hear his story.

You’re invited to join us.

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Thanks for listening!

xox Daniella Park & Chris Nell