The opposite of loneliness in addiction is a community in Recovery.
No person is an island and so rubbing shoulders with people who have an adequate amount of clean time can become a post for learning.

A noble quote from our previous guest Alex Talbot states that RecoverWE is CommUNITY.

In the second to third year of the program, students and adherents are motivated to try their hand at starting their own meetings or even influencing of community.

True to form, we stretch our wings and extend our footprint to one of the four institutional seats of Europe and welcome Jessica Faulconnier-Weis to our program.

Jessica is both culture-rich and articulate and has worked tirelessly to institute a recovery community, dragging constituents into the 21st century.

She chats with him about her journey to sobriety and what stirred her spirit to begin planning the first sober gathering, in the very heart of Luxembourg.

She’s coming to DIS Live . . . And you want to hear her story.
You’re invited to join us Live every Tuesday.
Tune in on DIS Live, this coming Tuesday.
5pm Est 2pm PST 
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Thanks for listening xox Daniella Park & Chris Nell