Do A Day with Bryan Falchuk artwork

Do A Day with Bryan Falchuk

128 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 53 ratings

Hear stories of overcoming challenges to find a path to Better from some of the most inspiring people on the planet. Based on the best-selling book, Do a Day, this show will help you see that you can change your life no matter what you may face, and give you the tools to go out and Do it.

Self-Improvement Education Society & Culture Philosophy doaday falchuk help improvement inspiration motivation self
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078. The Paradox in Connecting to The World's Needs with Erik Bergman

December 03, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 88 MB

Erik Bergman woke up a millionaire when his company went public, but despite having more money than he'd ever need, he was left empty and alone, figuratively and also literally as he had lost his closest relationships in the process. He set out on a quest to discover a greater purpose, which lead him to a paradoxical situation where he is creating something great through something potentially harmful.

077. Loving Yourself Enough to Come Back After a Fall with CrisMarie Campbell

November 26, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 71.7 MB

CrisMarie Campbell is an Olympic rower who suffered serious injury and deep depression as her rowing career fell apart at the 1988 Seoul Summer Games. Her healing journey lifted her back up and connected her with herself in a way that inspired her ability to help others do the same individually and in teams.

076. Life's Challenges Can Illuminate Our Potential with Sharon Falchuk

November 19, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 73.4 MB

Sharon Leggio Falchuk found herself bedridden by a life-threatening illness in 2011. When mainstream medicine had no answers, she took matters into her own hands, spending every moment researching, changing her lifestyle, and assembling a Functional Medicine and alternative care team to help her forge a path to healing.  Her inextinguishable will to be well meant she was willing to try almost anything, and one of the life-changing discoveries she made was the true power of Mind-Body Medicine.

075. Find The Answers Within to What You Need with Michelle Bronson

November 12, 2019 10:00 - 54 minutes - 62.3 MB

Michelle Bronson was fit, healthy and helping others be the same until Chronic Illness hit. Her long journey included pain, weight gain, judgment and hopelessness as she looked to many others, trying to find a solution. Then she faced herself, and found answers within that ultimately brought her back to health.

074. Seeing The Gift in Adversity with Marcus Aurelius Anderson

November 05, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 80.7 MB

Marcus Aurelius Anderson looks like he has it all. He's successful, healthy and impacting people's lives with his work. But to know he was paralyzed from the neck down not long ago, you realize that adversity does not have to be the end. If we see it as a gift, it can be the beginning we need to move ahead in an even better direction.

073. Life As an Inquisitive, Crooked Journey with Mark Nepo

October 29, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 76 MB

Mark Nepo, poet, author, speaker and guide, has always had a beautiful mind. Something was unleashed as he went through the crooked journey of Cancer – twice – that has allowed him to help us all ask the most thought-provoking questions possible so we, too, can be present and connect to the world fully.

072. Do The Time to Change Lives with Coss Marte

October 22, 2019 09:00 - 48 minutes - 55.6 MB

After a life of dealing drugs and earning millions, Coss Marte found himself locked up for the third time, unable to raise his son, and facing the risk of a heart attack from his unhealthy lifestyle. He chose to fight back, and started a movement in prison that saw inmates lose over 1,000 together. He took that spark and broke his pattern of incarceration by creating ConBody, a prison-style bootcamp. Aside from the business, he created a social movement helping ex-cons better their lives and ...

071. Bonus Episode: Reflecting on Doing 3,032 Days with Bryan Falchuk

October 19, 2019 14:11 - 10 minutes - 11.7 MB

As I reflect on my 41st birthday, I realize how much my life has changed in the 8 years since I started to Do a Day, and I wanted to share that with you and share the launch of my next book, which comes out November 19th. Pre-order "The 50 75 100 Solution" today for as little as $0.99 on Kindle to start to Build Better Relationships. Just visit

070. True Success Comes from Our Spirit

October 15, 2019 09:00 - 59 minutes - 68.8 MB

After coming to the lowest moment in a life marred by abuse, addiction and anxiety since childhood, Nichole had enough. She found a willingness to see opportunity through realizing how our spirit is integral to our success. She connected with her own spirit, and shares how we can all do the same.

069. Honor Your Emotions to Choose Your Path Forward with Karen Millsap

October 08, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 78.3 MB

Losing her husband at 29 cut Karen down in an instant. How she learned to honor her emotions while also being a mom and trying to just go on built her back up and taught her the essence of choice in life. From a tragedy no one can imagine or should have to endure, Karen has learned lessons we can all draw on to stop, shift and live on.

068. Life is About Creating Yourself with Lonnee Rey

October 01, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 102 MB

Lonnee Rey has this incredible and difficult story that spans years of struggle at the hands of her mother. Through that experience, she created her life today, and realized the choice we all have in doing that. It's hard, confusing and upsetting to hear the repeated pain inflicted on her, but when you step back and see what we can become and the power we have to create that, it's inspiring.

067. The Human Connection of Storytelling with Gareth Martin & Craig Haywood

September 24, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 96.9 MB

After living through their own journeys that shaped them and gave them a desire to more deeply connect with those around them, Gareth Martin and Craig Haywood set out to capture and share the stories of amazing people to spread inspiration amongst all of humanity. Along the way, they realized how we all have stories, how much those stories can help others, and how telling our own story helps us, too.

066. The Power of Being Prepared with Jay Gabrani

September 17, 2019 08:50 - 1 hour - 69.3 MB

Jay Gabrani had a successful business and a good financial position that supported and protected his family. He thought he was ready for anything that might happen to them. However, when his wife unexpectedly died, he realized how little being prepared has to do with having money. His struggle as a single father of three trying to navigate the emotional loss of his wife and his kid's mother along with the legal and financial process of death became the fuel to help others be prepared for simi...

065. Find Your Voice Through Mindfulness with Bruce Langford

September 10, 2019 09:00 - 42 minutes - 48.5 MB

Bruce Langford grew up in a way that limited his sense of self, which included being stifled and type-cast. It literally kept him from finding his voice. Through mindfulness and confidence work, Bruce discovered his passion for music, signing and inspiring confidence in others through finding it for themselves.

064. To Be Safe, Loved & Worthy with Terah Harrison

September 03, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 77.3 MB

A pattern of abuse started for Terah Harrison at an early age. Through her healing journey, she learned that she could be safe, loved and worthy, which shifted her pattern to one of compassion and empowerment that she uses to help others.

063. The Therapeutic Power of Running with William Pullen

August 27, 2019 09:00 - 45 minutes - 51.5 MB

Running brought William out of a deep depression that stemmed from a painful end to a long-term relationship. What he discovered was the power of running to help us come out of these difficult times by working through what is trapped in our minds. He calls the approach Dynamic Running Therapy, and he shares how he found it and how it can help any of us.

062. Shifting Your Choice to Shift Your Life with Michael O'Brien

August 20, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 74.1 MB

A catastrophic cycling accident in 2001 nearly ended Michael's life after an SUV hit him head-on. Instead of killing him, it became what he calls his Last Bad Day, marking a shift in his life that he shares with others to help them do the same.

061. Redirecting Your Life by Realizing You Matter with Fernando Flores

August 13, 2019 08:00 - 1 hour - 72.8 MB

Fernando Flores was caught in the mindless path of poor choices typical of high-stress professions. Losing people close to him forced him to reflect on how he was living, identify changes he needed to make, and create the structure to actually make them. What he discovered is how better choices lead to other better choices, and a better life. Find out how you can build a sustainable way forward from Fernando's experience.

060. The Power of Worthiness from Within with Dr. James Kelley

August 06, 2019 08:00 - 58 minutes - 67.3 MB

Dr. James Kelley is dedicated to inspiring people to lead through adversity and make the most of themselves. That comes from his own journey. What he maintained through life is a sunny disposition that if you just work hard and be a good person you will end up on top. You won't be able to help but feel James' energy coming through as we get into the interview.

059. Surrendering to the Facts to Realize Opportunity with Madeleine Black

July 30, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 70.2 MB

A violent sexual assault at age 13 defined Madeleine's life, leading to pain, anger and years of self-destruction. As Madeleine started to address what was happening inside of her after the assault, she learned how surrendering to the facts so she could process them opened the pathway to opportunity and how to live again through healing, growth, acceptance and empowerment.

058. The Gift of No Regret to Design Your Life with Kirsty Salisbury

July 23, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 73 MB

Kirsty Salisbury died on the OR table as a child, but was resuscitated, awaking to find an awareness of the world and what matters that she describes as a gift. This perception changed her view of how we live, and how to design our lives purposefully and positively, no matter what we face. She shares her amazing journey and the lessons she learned from it in this episode.

057. Accept Where You Are to Move Forward with Natalie Janji

July 16, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 77.6 MB

Natalie Janji saw that she was headed down a path that wasn't what she wanted. Despite the odds being stacked against her, she pushed for her dreams, and learned so much along the way about how anxiety and social pressure can hold us back, but more importantly, how we can keep them from doing so.

056. Transporting from Darkness to Your Future Vision with Sarah Centrella

July 09, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 69.5 MB

Sarah Centrella had love and family, until infidelity ripped it all away from her, leaving her a single mom with three young kids and nowhere to turn. She set her sights on where she wanted her life to be, and then set her actions on getting there. Learn more about Sarah's journey and how #FutureBoards can get you to your ideal life.

055. Looking Back on Doing Season 2

May 14, 2019 09:00 - 48 minutes - 55.7 MB

I look back on the second season of the Do a Day Podcast and the beautiful human beings who have joined me to share their inspiration with all of you.

054. Magnifying What's Going on So You Can Grow with Dov Baron

May 07, 2019 01:06 - 1 hour - 74.2 MB

After years of fighting his way to the top, Dov Baron fell off the side of a mountain, dying 5 times during his recovery. But he learned to live in a way he couldn't before by really exposing what was going on inside of him. The curiosity to see that inner truth drives his work today, and can help you find your path and inner strength.

053. Taking a Brilliant Gamble on Yourself with Blaire Palmer

April 30, 2019 09:00 - 57 minutes - 65.8 MB

Blaire Palmer had a successful business helping leaders lead and business thrive. She was also a single-mother who home-schooled her daughter. She decided one day to pick everything up and travel for a year to experience life first hand, bringing her daughter along for the growth experience. Blaire took powerful lessons from this brilliant gamble on herself that she shares so you can find how to take risks on yourself, too.

052. Living as You Need to From Your Perspective with Dai Manuel

April 23, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 74.1 MB

Dai Manuel transformed his life after battling obesity and depression. From his journey, he learned tools to help others, and committed to doing that for years before finding the need to break free, and travel the world with his family to spread the message further. He helped me on my journey, and offers his path and his wisdom to all of you.

051. From Homeless to Helping Through Vulnerability with Jaime Jay

April 16, 2019 09:00 - 58 minutes - 67.5 MB

Jaime Jay is one of the most positive, thankful people I've met. His past, however, was marked by multiple bouts of homelessness, pain and loss. And while that past defined a piece of his adulthood, it did not define his entire life forever. Find out how Jaime shifted his perspective to become a successful man filled with gratitude and appreciation for what he has and what he can do for others.

050. From Addiction to Peak Performance with Nick Elvery

April 09, 2019 09:00 - 47 minutes - 54.1 MB

Nick Elvery battled drug addiction from an early age as he watched his father suffer with MS, and ultimately succumb to the illness. At the same time, he had a passion for personal development and self-growth. The two sides of him battled, but ultimately what his curiosity to look within himself was too strong, and he was able to overcome addiction by recognizing our ability to never give up on our futures.

049. From Dented to Thriving Through Serving Others with Mary Shores

April 02, 2019 09:00 - 51 minutes - 59.3 MB

20 years ago, Mary Shores started with an idea. Today, she is a successful entrepreneur with a multi-million-dollar, heart-centered business and a best-selling book, Conscious Communications. But she didn’t start that way. Mary hit rock-bottom after enduring the loss of her daughter and surviving an unstable past filled with abandonment, but found within herself the strength to rebuild by founding an industry-changing business. She now inspires others with lessons of resiliency and empowermen...

048. How Suicide Unlocked The Potential in Living with Frank King

March 26, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 72.7 MB

Frank King faced a constant struggle with suicide. It got to the point where he says he knows what his gun tastes like. Rather than end his life, he realized that there was no downside to going for his greatest goals, regardless of the risk. That unlocked a freedom to pursue opportunity, and a realization of the importance of mental health and suicide prevention – two key commitments of Frank's in his work.

047. Finding Your Mojo Through Authenticity with Gary Bertwistle

March 19, 2019 09:00 - 53 minutes - 61.1 MB

Gary Bertwistle decided one day to have an impact, and has found his mojo and inner empowerment by pushing himself to give.

046. Becoming a Person of Purpose with Tanur Badgley

March 12, 2019 09:00 - 1 hour - 72.9 MB

After suffering many injuries and a major concussion when he fell off the side of a mountain, Tanur Badgley was forced to relook at the idea of purpose and the choices we make to relearn Life and how to actually live it.

045. Navigating The Mental Emotional Struggles of Life with Brooke Siem

March 05, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 81 MB

Brooke Siem battled depression through medication for 15 years until an opportunity to travel the world meant she had to stop, which changed her life. The journey to quickly come off medication and then take in the world from a freer perspective that she had never known was amazing, scary and educational in a life-changing way.

044. Fighting Diseases of Ignorance with Howard Jacobson

February 26, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 69.6 MB

Howard Jacobson has been a leader in promoting a plant-based, whole food diet combined with movement and support. Why he has focused on all of this started with losing his father to a disease of ignorance that plagues society, and the fire that sparked within him to give back to the world by helping to change the situation for as many people as possible.

043. You Are Your Best Investment with Jenn Swanson

February 19, 2019 10:00 - 48 minutes - 55.7 MB

Jenn Swanson is one of the most positive, peaceful people I've met. To learn that her life began feeling abandoned by her father, and the way she faced that trauma with maturity, grace and clarity at a very young age explains why she is the way she is. It also gives insight into how you can be that way, too.

042. Coming Back from Tragedy As a Victor, Not Victim with Sandra Younger

February 12, 2019 10:00 - 56 minutes - 65.2 MB

In 2003, Sandra Younger woke up to the largest wild fire in California history. Instead of being a Victim, she learned how to come back and be a survivor, and ultimately a victor. She has studied the difference for years, and unlocked the path to coming through tragedy in a way that lets you move forward in life.

041. Going from Why Me to What's Next with Cornell Thomas

February 05, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 70.9 MB

After losing his father at a young age, Cornell Thomas was raised by a mother who showed him the importance of hard work and looking at challenge as opportunity. He built a dream to become a professional basketball player and take care of his mother so she would never have to work again. After years of hard work, his dream was coming true until an injury ended all of that. Through that loss, he began his path to going from Why Me to What's Next.

040. Finding Clarity & Peace in a World of Turmoil with Sandy Vo

January 29, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 76.2 MB

Sandy Vo's life spiraled down starting when her father abandoned the family when she was a kid. She suffered other hardship and loss along the way, and ultimately lost herself in drugs, alcohol and depression. At her lowest, she found Meditation and the path to reaching her Highest. She shares her powerful journey and the inspiration for you to find the same growth within yourself.

039. The Power of Intention to Achieve Your Mission with Adam Schaeuble

January 22, 2019 10:00 - 56 minutes - 65.2 MB

Adam Schaeuble weighed 327 lbs, was $40k in debt, and about to lose the woman he loved. Today, he's fit, thriving, married to that woman and inspiring thousands to change their lives on his Million Pound Mission. Find out how he did it through creating powerful intention and living aligned with it every day so you can achieve your greatest mission.

038. Facing Trauma to Allow for Growth with Mark Crandall

January 15, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 90.7 MB

Mark Crandall grew up with a life that you do not generally escape from alive. Born to addicts, going into foster care and eventually adoption, Mark's trauma lead to a dark path. He became an addict himself, leaving a wake of destruction behind that landed him in prison. Through the self-discovery he did while in jail and rehab, Mark was reborn. He shares his path to become an inspiring, dedicated human being who today helps others struggling with the impact of their traumas on their present ...

037. Using Disaster to Unlock Wellness with Josh Perry

January 08, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 79.3 MB

Josh Perry is a former pro-BMX rider whose career was put on pause when a crash lead to a diagnosis of a brain tumor in his early 20s. Josh fought back and beat the tumor, only to have more appear over time. Despite that, his life is surging ahead and he's actually thankful for the tumors. Josh has found his passion around wellness, learned how to nourish his brain and control his tumors with tools like the Ketogenic diet, and is trying to help inspire wellness and success in others.

036: How to Make Time with John Zeratsky

January 02, 2019 10:00 - 57 minutes - 65.7 MB

John Zeratsky thought he had figured out the keys to being super productive. Then he realized it was a battle you can't win, and all the things you really care about fall by the wayside in the process. That's when he learned how to make time – an idea and set of strategies he teaches in his latest book, "Make Time," that he shares with you in this episode.

035: Falling From High to Rise Up Above with Jon DeWaal

December 27, 2018 10:00 - 54 minutes - 62.5 MB

Jon DeWaal was on a path of Fine, working a good job, starting a family, and going through the motions. Then things came crashing down, literally, as he fell off a roof. Through that, he found light in the dark, and helps others discover it in themselves.

034: How to Rise Up When You Feel Stuck in the Middle with Ariana Robinson Danquah

December 18, 2018 10:00 - 53 minutes - 61.1 MB

So many people find themselves stuck in their career, and no one really seems to be working to change that. Despite everything on her plate, Ariana Robinson Danquah saw the importance of this problem, and created Workplace Lab to change the situation.

033: What it Takes to a Superboss Leader with Syd Finkelstein

December 11, 2018 10:00 - 39 minutes - 45.3 MB

Few people have studied success and failure like Prof. Syd Finkelstein, author of 'Why Smart Executives Fail' and 'Superbosses'. He shares the most important lessons he learned through studying and getting to know the best (and worst) leaders around.

032: How to Live Free with Sara Quiriconi

December 04, 2018 10:00 - 1 hour - 79.2 MB

After years of struggling with Eating Disorders, alcohol addiction and beating Cancer, Sara Quiriconi discovered how to Live Free through empowered choices and actions. She shares her story and how it's about never settling, and embodying a determined mindset, warrior spirit, and passionate heart that raises you to the best version of you possible.

031. Know Yourself to Empower and Protect Your World with Charise Colbert

November 27, 2018 10:00 - 48 minutes - 55.1 MB

Charise Colbert is a confident and driven woman helping others know themselves so they can succeed. Before doing that, she had to survive domestic violence where someone else made her question who she was and what she could be--until she said no more.

030: Don't Make Your Past Stories Part of Your Right Now with Lindsey Heiserman

November 20, 2018 10:00 - 58 minutes - 66.7 MB

Lindsey Heiserman is a personal trainer and coach who has had a lot of success as an athlete. But it wasn't always the case for her, and she's learned how important it is for our past stories not to define our present opportunities.

029: How Letting Go Opens You to Meaning & Purpose with Robb Holman

November 13, 2018 10:00 - 1 hour - 69.5 MB

As a college basketball star, Robb Holman was riding high. Suddenly, an unsolvable medical crisis threatened his future and made him question everything he'd ever believed in. Through that, he found how to lead from the inside to be able to lead others.


Madeleine Black
1 Episode
Mark Metry
1 Episode
Ryan Caligiuri
1 Episode
William Pullen
1 Episode

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