This week on the digital PR Podcast, we will be discussing influencers. We are not just discussing any influencers though, we will be telling you about brands that use influencers in an innovative way!
Influencers are extremely important in today's world of PR. Influencers can drive new customers to a brand and make people think about a brand in a different way. Influencers hold a lot of power.
One brand we will be discussing is Gymshark. Gymshark sponsors a ton of gym-goers, but one athlete became extremely popular. Whitney Simmons is huge in the fitness world and has been with Gymshark for years. She grew in popularity as Gymshark did. In fact, Gymshark came out with two entire collections based on her. You do not see many brands doing that. She is so well liked in the Gymshark space that they used her likeness to create a collection.
We also talk about Patagonia. Patagonia uses their influencers to promote their clothing. However, they also use their influencers to promote social movements which are unique.
Many brands are coming up with new ways to use influencers to increase awareness. We are excited to discuss that with you all today.
