We are all unique, but with a theme. Understanding how an individual’s unique theme plays into the bigger picture of your organization gives you an advantage creating a cohesive, productive and thriving team. One that can catapult your organization into the next level of success.

Great leaders know that when you put the wrong employees or personality types together, it can stifle or even cripple teams which will inevitably impact your businesses bottom line.

One of the ways that we attempt to figure out who will work best with who, is through assessments.

There are more assessments, indexes, quizzes, personality types and boxes and labels than I can count. So, I decided to assess the assessments.

Today we take a look at the KOLBE Index, honestly, one of my favorites. But be aware, the only way to truly know a person, their strengths and their weaknesses, is to build a relationship with that person.

What you’ll hear in this podcast:

Who created the KOLBE What the KOLBE is best at uncovering How this assessment can help your team avoid conflict What the KOLBE doesn’t do What is a Conative assessment The interplay of Conative and Cognitive How values play in to assessments The best way to use this assessment

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Difficult Happens; How Triggers Boundaries & Emotions Impact YOU Everyday


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Energy Leadership Index

Show Intro music is Whispering Through by Asura

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