2021 was a transformative year for us. Jeremiah’s spiritual awakening in June had a ripple effect, shifting the way we think about think success and forcing us to prioritize what matters most. 

We had the most rewarding year of our lives financially and deepened our relationship as a couple. And yes, we did fun things like buy Jeremiah’s dream car and install a pool in our backyard.

But we also realized that having things doesn’t matter much if you’re carrying trauma in your body, trying to outrun your pain. If you’re measuring yourself against an ideal and never taking the time to BE.

On this episode of Destined to Be, we reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the last 12 months, personally and professionally, explaining why we focused on energy, alignment and slowing down in 2021.

We share what we learned about not taking things personally, making decisions from a place of faith and holding space for ourselves, each other and our children.

Listen in to understand why we’re focused on ‘living in the game’ in 2022 and learn how to be happier NOW by measuring your success through the gain, not the gap!

 Key Takeaways  

Why we focused on energy, alignment and slowing down in 2021

Our biggest personal and professional accomplishments in the last 12 months

How Jeremiah’s team rallied around him through his spiritual awakening

Why you can have everything you want and still be unhappy

How we think about not taking it personally when people resist our growth

How Jeremiah’s beliefs around rest and success changed in 2021

What inspired Jeremiah’s focus on ‘living in the game’ in 2022

How trauma impacts our bodies and brains—and what to do about it

What it looks like to hold space for yourself and other people 

Why it's crucial to have a relationship with your numbers (especially in business)

What Mallory learned in 2021 about working with her feminine energy 

Dan Sullivan’s theory of measuring success by the gain vs. the gap

Connect with Jeremiah & Mallory

Destined to Be Podcast

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Jeremiah on Instagram

Mallory on Instagram

Level Up Entourage Facebook Group

Text VIP to 586-600-8492


Register for Men’s Level Up VIP 

Dean Graziosi 

Adam Grant on Introversion 

Jim Fortin’s Free Trainings

Arete Syndicate

The 12 Steps

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Kyle Depiesse on Destined to Be EP175

Jake Woodard on Masculine and Feminine Energy

Entrepreneurial Operating System

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

Strategic Coach

Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Dan Sullivan on Gap vs. Gain

Twitter Mentions