In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore talk about raising children ages three to five years old. Dr. B explains the developmental stages of this period of life and how they relate to each other. Listen as she shares tips on how to parent a child in these age groups for your sanity as well as theirs.


“Yes, we’re parents, but what are parents? They are the guides. We’re walking them from one stepping stone to the next.” - Dr. B [10:29]


What You Will Learn:

[00:37] Intro

[03:21] The stories behind the names

[05:25] Threenagers

[07:21] How age groups affect each other

[13:38] Tips to parent three-year-olds

[21:10] How much this applies to adulthood

[22:56] Difference between three-year-old and four-year-old

[27:04] Allowing them to expand their personal preference

[31:12] Masculine energy vs feminine energy with primary adults

[36:44] Fivers

[38:57] Why it’s important to be careful with what adults are around your child

[45:05] Guiding five-year-olds to draw their own boundaries

[48:35] We don’t have to be perfect

[50:51] Outro


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