In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore talk about bullying. Bullying is the second-leading cause of death between the ages 10 to 34 in the US and one in five students report bullying. Dr. B and Seth talk about how bullying integrates to our understanding of ACEs and what parents can do to help curtail this imbalance of power.


“When children are bullied or even adults are bullied, it leads to anxiety, depression, sleep problems, lower achievement in school and even a dropout rate that’s been reported by the CDC in 2018.” - Dr. B [05:15]


What You Will Learn:

[00:37] Intro

[02:17] What is bullying

[05:07] What happens to those who are bullied

[06:14] How the internet plays into bullying

[11:42] Bullying is typically two things: individual and systemic

[15:58] Why exposing young people to different cultures can curb bullying

[20:32] How to find the road to equity and battling disparity

[26:42] Why you should be a co-conspirator

[28:45] Some solutions to bullying

[38:31] Peer-to-peer programs

[41:42] What can parents do

[44:47] Outro


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