How do we measure confidence? Where does confidence really comes from?

True and lasting confidence is found in that which remains a constant; it comes from within. 

Confidence doesn't come from what we do. It comes from how we 'be'. 

The key to confidence is found in self-knowledge and self-awareness. It's in becoming an observer of your own life and learning to ask yourself the right questions.

In this episode, the Deeper Life Resident therapist Marléne Rose Shaw walks us through her new book 7 Questions Highly Confident People Ask Themselves.

How Am I Feeling Right Now?What Am I Focusing On?What Do I Actually Want? What Am I Still Holding On To?How Can I Value Myself More?What Would This Look Like If It Were Easier?What Can I Learn From This?

To purchase Marléne's new book, click here!

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