What is greater than love - nothing. 

The answer is nothing. 

Come and sit in this virtual Love Social Cafe with us and Felicia Mason, entrepreneur, love ambassador, creative muse and human BEING. Feel the energy that comes from being surrounded by belonging, and most importantly love. 

It is magic. 

She is magic. 

We are magic.  


About Felicia "Fellie" Mason

A self proclaimed master at being unapologetically human. Sniffs essential oils to overcome panic attacks. Unfathomably and radically, accepting of herself and others. Magnificent in business as a Love-prenuer with a rocking social cafe in Ojai, Ca that exists to provide an environment to experience and express love. A brilliant Mother that is the loving space for her tween son to discover his own greatness. A passionate Wife that still gets butterflies when they hold hands. The Queen keeper of two chocolate labradoodles who live to bark at delivery drivers and neighborhood speed-walkers. Mouthy. Hates humidity. Easily makes friends by embracing the magic of gritty authenticity. Is always the first to leave the party. Sarcastic. Flirty. Witty. And has an ongoing complex about the best way to show the world how big her butt really is. Love is messy and messy is so very sexy. You can find her being her brands “LO>E. | Love is greater than everything” and “Messy is sexy” at her cafe, home, or inevitable target runs.


IG: @lovesocialcafe @felliemason

Tiktok: @felliemason

FB: @lovesocialcafe   



Connect with The DH Effect: https://www.thedheffect.com/