Suzy Q Winn grew up in a small town, on a farm, learning to survive of the land, before she left for the Army at 17. At 18 she was standing in the desert for the Persian Gulf War. 2 years later, she heard the words, “You have cancer”. Suzy Q was a single mom with a 6 month old son. After given a 50/50 chance of surviving 5 years, she chose to leave the Army to spend whatever time she had with her son. She became a cosmetologist then moved to AZ and began working at the Sheriffs office, first as a dispatcher, then as a Deputy Sheriff, where Suzy Q served for 18 years before resigning due to physical and mental health reasons. 

Suzy Q began her trauma healing in 2019 after VA told her that she had complex PTSD and major depression disorder. She began writing this book in 2014, after several people told her that she needed to share her story as a light of hope and inspiration for others, as she had overcome many traumatic incidents. After she had the outline, Suzy Q was stuck in the trauma cycle and was unable to continue writing, “Hope Blooms in a Garden of Faith” until 2020. She was in therapy for the continuation of this book, and spent the summers of  2020 and 2021, in the forest, where she continued to write and began to heal. She had along way to go, but this book allowed her to purge a lot of the trauma, beginning in her childhood. It was through the love and support of her husband, son and daughter that she was able to continue my journey of healing and finishing this book.


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