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Amy Van Slambrook is a licensed psychotherapist and certified leadership & relationship coach. She helps high-profile women and couple CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leaders to reclaim and elevate into the most aligned and powerful version of themselves in their business, relationship, and life by doing deep healing and transformation at the soul, mind, and body levels. With 30 years of professional experience in psychotherapy, coaching,executive leadership, genetic and psychological research, functional medicine, and entrepreneurship, as well as her own 35-year personal journey of trauma healing and personal development, Amy brings vast experience to her work in post-traumatic growth and holistic wellness and empowerment. She is a sought-after speaker, podcast guest and host, and published author. Amy builds her life and works on a strong foundation of faith.

Social Media Handle: @amyvanslambrook

Memorable Moments: 

2:47  I think one of the hallmarks of someone who’s really of transformational wealth is that they’ve tried to separate them, they tried to exist in the mind without appreciating what’s happening in their body and trying to be in their body without appreciating what’s in their spirit and the three are so inextricably tied because they are mouthpieces for one another.

4:36  It’s great to have relationships when there’s no pressure. It’s easy. It’s when there’s the pressure that we are really exposed to the reality of our lives and our relationships.

6:15  I really encourage my clients to take a pause and let themselves get silence in their lives because silence is when we face the reality of things.

6:33  When we are silent, we’re faced with looking in the mirror of what we’ve created not only on the front-facing image of our social media but what happens behind the scenes in the reality of who we are and the relationships that we have starting with ourselves, with God, with those we love the most in life.

8:14  I really am such a champion for the fact that trauma, can be the biggest springboard for your life into a whole new level of success and triumph. It isn’t something we need to run away from.

8:58  I’ve been through decades of my own trauma, I can stand here and say it is the gateway to that next level in your life because it reconnects us to the truest part of ourselves.

10:20  That is how post-traumatic growth really gets to shine because suddenly you’re saying what inhibited my growth, what stunted my growth now can actually catapult it so that I can impact the world the way I'm supposed to.

12:39  If you went through trauma as a child, that's kind of an imprint of how you are going to view all relationships happening. 

14:18  We are usually drawn to people who not only give us the comforting feeling of home but also remind us and tend to wound us in ways we were wounded as a child.

19:28  What matters most is absolutely going all in on what God has called me to go all in on. I just turned 50, and it has given me a new sense of liberation and freedom. I have never felt more motivated and vibrant and free because of all the healing work I've done.

Dear Mind, You Matter is brought to you by NOBU, new mental health, and wellness app. To download NOBU, visit the app store or Google Play. 

This podcast is hosted by Allison Walsh and Dr. Angela Phillips. It is produced by Allison Walsh, Savannah Eckstrom, and Nicole LaNeve. If you’re interested in being a guest on this podcast, please visit