James is a Content Creator, Performance Coach, and endurance athlete who recently set two world records by bear crawling an ultra marathon (31 Miles). James has a strong passion for bringing awareness to mental health through physical feats and plans on doing many more outlandish things to inspire others and spread awareness about his cause.

Key Points:

Recovery after bear crawling 31 miles What training looked like preparing for the bear crawl Coming up with a training plan for the bear crawl Breaking through self-limiting beliefs Staying healthy and injury-free while training for hours per day Mindset practices that James used during training Shedding the old version of yourself and stepping into a new life What was going through James’ mind the morning of the crawl The most difficult part of the bear crawl and how he overcame it Letting go of the end result and being present in the moment What nutrition looked like throughout the 24-hour bear crawl Overcoming the voices in his head telling him to quit Getting his life back into balance What makes James excited to do life moving forward Managing seasons of imbalance and learning about yourself through the process The things that light James up and make him excited about life How James plans on using social media to positively impact people’s lives What are the intentions James has to live as the best version of himself Advice James would give to himself at the beginning of this journey James’ definition of ‘ambition’

Connect with James:

Instagram: @james.boria

TikTok: @jamesboria

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF7-LkWzMu_1vEtWgiBagww/videos

Connect with Dom:

Join my FREE Fitness Community on Upspace: https://link.getupspace.com/profile/domfusco

Instagram: @dominicfusco

TikTok: @dom_fusco

YouTube: Dominic Fusco

LinkedIn: Dominic Fusco