Christina (Mooch) Muccio is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, a former athlete turned fitness professional and lover of creating communities. She left her 6-figure job in corporate America because she felt “called for more” and began her career in fitness to empower people to show them that anything is possible despite their circumstances.

Key Points:

Finding inspiration when creating content Leaving corporate America because she felt called for more Empowering yourself through fitness and wellness Creating a “Come with me” rather than “look at me culture in fitness Showing people it’s possible regardless of any circumstance Knowing your “why” and what your mission statement is Identifying your core values Living and operating out of love rather than fear Using your relationship with fitness to elevate all areas of life Getting out of the comparison trap Embracing the messiness that life happens What it means to live with an “abundance mindset” Money you will make back, time you won’t Defining what you want the world to look like and striving to create it

Connect with Mooch:

IG: @cmooch

Connect with Dom:

Instagram: @dominicfusco

TikTok: @dom_fusco

YouTube: Dominic Fusco

LinkedIn: Dominic Fusco

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