We are climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro this February, and we want YOU to join us! This is a bucket list item for me, as I'm sure it is for many of you as well.

I have teamed up with an organization called Selfless Solutions to put together this expedition titled "Climb For Kids" where the proceeds raised by each climber will go to building schools and providing resources for children in Tanzania.

My good friend Pat Irwin, who was the first guest on the show back in 2020, started this organization after having a life-changing experience in Tanzania. He now lives there full-time and is doing incredible work in the community.

If you are interested in coming on this once-in-a-lifetime trip, please submit your information at the link below and we will reach out with more details.

We can change the lives of hundreds of kids with this trip. I hope you will join us!

Submit info here: https://www.kaributenatours.com/

Info on Selfless Solutions: https://selflesssolutions.org/