Do you ever feel like you lack unconditional self love and wonder what it would do for your stress and anxiety if you were more patient and graceful toward yourself? Sometimes we are actually our own harshest critics and our inner critic causes us added and unnecessary stress and anxiety. It is good for us to start retraining our minds to let go of the idea of being perfect and just start meeting ourselves where we are at. Learning to be more present and in the flow when we feel frustrated can really make a positive difference for our mental health. 

There is power in evaluating our thoughts as they occur in our minds before we react or take action. Asking ourselves if we do or say this will it actually benefit my relationship with myself is huge step to decreasing our stress and anxiety. It takes time and patience to do this, but eventually our minds can begin to adapt to this new way of thinking. I used to let the actions of my parents really get to me mentally and hurt me so deeply. All their words and actions or lack thereof really caused me so much stress and anxiety. Until I realized their actions had nothing to do with me and I reclaimed power over my own life and my thoughts.

Investing in ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually is an act of radical and unconditional self love. However, when we take those action steps we will find our anxiety and stress levels decrease. Loving yourself changes things when you are healing from past trauma because it allows you to accept yourself where you are at and step into the healing process for your mental health journey. Giving yourself credit for the battles you have fought and the warrior you are empowers you mentally to take positive and life changing action. 

Evaluating where you are at and deciphering what truly causes you stress and anxiety on a daily basis makes a difference. Pure and genuine self love helps you give yourself grace and motivates you to overcome the stress and anxiety your thoughts may have been adding to. Accepting myself for who I am and being comfortable with where I am at has helped me reduce some of the intense anxiety and stress I have been facing throughout my life. As we go into 2022 let's have conversations about healing our relationship with ourselves so we can practice more self love. When we decide to love ourselves for the battles we have fought and the beautiful warriors we are we will be empowered to overcome the depression, stress and anxiety we have been struggling with for so long.  


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