Hey, it’s Gillian here from DailyKetoMeals.com.
I’d like to tell you two quick ways to get into Ketosis so your body burns fat.
The two quick ways to get into Keto are...
1. Cut your carb intake to 20 grams straight away.
2. Cut your carb intake to 20 grams gradually over 5 days.
The problem with option 1 is that your body is used to eating carbs.
So if you make such a drastic change, it won’t be easy.
In fact, many people experience intense withdrawal symptoms and carb cravings from going cold-turkey like this.
That’s why option 2 is so much better. Here’s what your carb goals for each day: Day 1: eat 100 grams of carbs
Day 2: eat 75 grams of carbs
Day 3: eat 50 grams of carbs
Day 4: eat 30 grams of carbs
Day 5: eat 20 grams or less (and stay there.)
At the same time, start to clean up your diet and move away from packaged foods.
Try to memorize the ingredients you can’t eat and keep an eye out for hidden sugars.
This is a process.
Keto is a life change.
So you shouldn't expect to adapt overnight.
If you change your diet gradually, you’ll have a much higher chance of sticking with it, and therefore, losing more weight.
Hope you enjoyed this tip.
If you did, and you want more — plus delicious Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks — just go to www.dailyketomeals.com