Good Evening Guys,

It’s Gillian from

I’d like to tell you about the forgotten secret to rapid weight loss. You see, there’s one thing (like no other) that packs on pounds and inches and makes it almost impossible to lose weight.

What is it? It’s... a lack of sleep. Seriously. Not getting enough sleep makes us fat. It also keeps us fat. In fact, if you tried to lose weight in the past but couldn’t... It could be because you weren’t getting enough sleep. So why is sleep so important for losing weight?

Simple. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases a lot of cortisol into your blood stream. Cortisol is the stress hormone. So when you’re not getting enough sleep, your body and mind... they’re stressed. That’s a fact. Now stress causes weight problems in two ways. First, when we are stressed, we crave comfort foods like chocolate, candies, desserts, and carbs. Why? Because those are our comfort foods, they relax us. They relieve stress.

And second, because a body that’s stressed is in panic mode. And when a human body is in panic mode, it does not allow fat storages to be burned. That’s why people who are stressed never lose weight. They can’t.It’s not possible. So how do you solve this? You get a good nights sleep, that’s how. At least 8 hours. And if you’re over age 60, then at least 6 hours. Try this for one month as a test. You’ll be amazed with your results. A good night’s sleep could be just the thing you need to get over a stubborn weight loss stall... or else... finally achieve the body of your dreams.

If you like this tip, and you want more...
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