Hey, it’s Gillian here from DailyKetoMeals.com.

I’d like to tell you the Keto dieters cure for carb cravings. You see, when you first start Keto, the first few weeks can be tough. Especially while your body adjusts to eating less carbs.
At times, you may be tempted by late night chocolate... afternoon toast... or ice cream.

So here’s what to do:
Throw out all the carbs and temptations in your house. Throw them all out.

Throw out the pasta, breads, yoghurts and sugary sauces.
Throw out the flour, rice, chocolate and potatoes!
It might sound crazy but it works!

If there’s no temptations in your house, it’s almost impossible to cheat. The instant you feel tempted, you’ll grab a Keto friendly snack instead — and the craving will disappear. It’s much easier to stick to Keto when the only foods in your home are Keto friendly. In a week or two, your cravings for carbs and sugar will disappear.

If you like this tip, and you want more...
Plus, if you want hundreds of fat burning Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks...
Just go to www.dailyketomeals.com