Hi Guys, it’s Gillian O’Dowd from DailyKetoMeals.com.
And in this video, I’d like to tell you about a food that burns off body fat like crazy.
It’s a strange one, too. Why?
Because for the longest time, this particular food was thought to be bad for us.
However, modern scientific research has shown quite the opposite.
Instead of it being bad for us, it’s actually extremely healthy for us.
What’s more, this food is now thought to be one of the most powerful tools known to man for burning fat.
Can you guess what it is? It’s... Butter.
I know, crazy.
But bear with me.
For decades, people have demonized butter because they said it clogs your arteries.
But modern research has proved that idea wrong. You see, butter is an incredibly complex food.
It has 400 different types of fatty acids.
Each one of them is perfectly designed to trigger the state of Ketosis in your body.
So cook your vegetables in butter.
Pour melted butter over your steak.
You can even add butter to your morning coffee.
Using butter more frequently will cause your body to burn more fat on Keto.
For the best results, eat grass fed butter.
It’s healthier.
In fact, the very best butter is KerryGold Irish Butter.
You can find it in WholeFoods or else online.
I’m Gillian O’Dowd...
And if you like this tip, and you want more...
Plus, if you want hundreds of fat burning Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks...
Just go to www.dailyketomeals.com