
It’s Gillian from DailyKetoMeals.com.

I’d like to tell you a smarter way to eat vegetables on Keto. You see, eating the RIGHT vegetables is key to losing weight on Keto. The problem is... veggies take a long time to cut and prepare. So here’s a time saving idea for you: Blend those veggies!! That’s right. Blend them into a veggie smoothie. You’ll save time and get more micronutrients into your body this way. Now there’s loads of great veggie smoothie recipes available online. So you won’t be stuck for great tasting ideas. But what if you don’t like veggie smoothies? Honestly, the answer is simple... Change your mindset. Of course you would rather eat popcorn and ice cream. But those foods make us fat and sick and cause disease. That’s not what we want. We want to be healthy. We want to be happy. We want to feel amazing.

So follow my advice... eat for health, not for disease. If you like this tip, and you want more...

Plus, if you want hundreds of fat burning Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks... Just go to www.dailyketomeals.com