
It’s Gillian from DailyKetoMeals.com.

I’d like to tell you about the 5 minute cure for sugar cravings on Keto. Or any other kind of food craving at all. You ready?
Simply go for a 5-minute walk.

I know, simple... right?
But don’t underestimate this.
Stress causes food cravings and binge eating.
Well, guess what?
A brisk walk is one of the most proven and effective stress busting strategies known to man.
Try it out.
Next time you feel the desire to eat carbs or chocolate, just go for a brisk walk.
You can even say to yourself, “If I still want the chocolate after the walk, I can have it.”
Fact of the matter is, you won’t want that candy after you have relieved your stress.
Plus, doing this is actually shown to break your addiction to unhealthy food.
If, instead of giving into your cravings, you go for a walk, you’ll reprogram your mind to not even think about unhealthy foods going forward.
It’s simple, yet very powerful. Bonus tip:
Obviously there will be times when you can’t go for a walk (like if you’re at work.)
In a case like that, try this:
Bring an avocado to work with you and eat it when you get a cravings.
Avocados are full of good fats, they’re low in carbs and have lots of nutrients (like magnesium and potassium.)
And within seconds of chewing on an avocado, your craving will disappear.
It’s much better than eating processed garbage.
Plus, eating avocados helps you get into Ketosis and burn fat like crazy.
If you like this tip, and you want more...
Plus, if you want hundreds of fat burning Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks...
Just go to https://DailyKetoMeals.com