Hey, it’s Gillian from DailyKetoMeals.com.

And let me ask you, would you like to lose a lot of weight very quickly on the Keto diet? If so, then pay attention. The following tip works like crazy.

Here’s the tip in a nutshell:
Eat ZERO carbs per day.
Not 30 grams of carbs.

Not 20 grams of carbs.
Not even 10 grams of carbs. ZERO CARBS.
Most advice from experts states you should eat 20 grams of carbs per day to get into Ketosis. That’s usually enough for most people to start burning fat. So when you eat ZERO carbs, it forces your body into Ketosis faster.

It also causes your body to burn much more fat, a lot quicker.
It’s extreme, but so are the results.
If you like this tip, and you want more...
Plus, if you want hundreds of fat burning Keto recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snacks...
Just go to www.dailyketomeals.com right now.