DSO addresses a message from a listener who is experiencing a disparity in libido with his postmenopausal wife. The listener explains that his wife's libido has significantly decreased since entering menopause, while his own libido remains high. DSO discusses the complexities of menopause and its impact on women's libido and explores the listener's concerns about his wife's past sexual experiences and her lack of desire for sex. Additionally, DSO offers empathy and understanding to the listener, acknowledging the challenges of being in a relationship with mismatched libidos and suggests exploring therapy and potential hormone replacement therapy as possible solutions.

Some key takeaways from the episode are:

Menopause can significantly decrease a woman's libido, which can create a disparity in desire between partners.The listener's wife's past sexual experiences should not be a factor in their current sexual relationship.Alcohol can sometimes help reduce anxiety and increase desire in postmenopausal women.Open communication and therapy can help address the mismatched libidos in the relationship.