#018 - On this week’s episode, I’m joined by Daniel Skidmore, the director of training over at GORUCK. 

Daniel served as an Air Force Combat controller, where he trained to be ready for whatever. Combat Controllers are special operations forces who specialize in all aspects of air-ground communication, including air traffic control and fire support in covert environments. As you could imagine, Daniel was trained by some of the best in the business. 

While in the military, Daniel took his passion for training others and opened up a CrossFit affiliate near Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and eventually became a part of the training cadre for GoRUCK, which in addition to their awesome backpacks put on these huge obstacle like events for anyone to participate in and experience some pretty bad ass training. 

Daniel is also the owner of Ruckwrap, which provides compression and other training tools for you fitness toolbox. 

Throughout this conversation you’ll hear

How Daniel got involved in training othersWhat the term RUCKING even meansHow you can add rucking to your training regime, especially if you’re just going for a walk with the stroller. 

You’ll want to stick around to the end of the show, where you’ll hear how you can be more intentional with your training so that you can be more functional while playing with your kids. 

Additional Links:

RuckWrap.comDaniel on InstagramGORUCKGORUCK Training 

For my FREE Top 10 Go-To Workouts Guide, head over to ForgingEliteFathers.net!