I am a registered social worker + expressive art therapist doing therapy in an atypical way (couch sitting need not apply). I am also a wife, mom (both human and fur), self-taught hobbyist photographer, and my most joyous days are spent in the forest contemplating my place in the world. AND I believe in art & creative expression as a way to communicate and heal.


Interview Time Stamps

00:57 - Bio
01:58 - Can you share some of your story and your path that brought you to where you are now?
03:19 - What does healing with creativity mean to you?
04:07 - Do you think there's a driving force that inspires you?
05:10 - Do you have a past pain that's informed your life purpose?
06:11 - What would you say is your favorite creative healing modality for yourself?
06:34 - What would you consider is your greatest accomplishment to date?
07:46 - If you could change one aspect of our society through your work, what would it be?
07:59 - What inspirational advice would you give someone who's struggling?
09:09 - Do you have an inspirational quote that sums up your life journey
07:45 - Additional Sharing

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