A few years ago I was dealing with some serious, chronic health issues. My doctor’s solution was to prescribe medications by the hundreds. I was driven by this pain to seek a solution other than my doctor’s. One of the solutions turned out to be art.

I started playing and dabbling, taking a few online courses and what I quickly realized is that no matter how much physical pain I woke up with, I didn’t feel any pain once I sat down at my easel. Now, a few years later, pain is no longer a significant part of my life.

It was the release from the pain while I played with the art that gave me hope I could move beyond that pain. I have heard so many stories about how people have used art for healing and changed lives that I am moved to get this message out to anyone who will care to listen.


Interview Time Stamps

00:57 - Bio
02:05 - Can you share some of your story and your path that brought you to where you are now?
03:20 - What does healing with creativity mean to you?
04:13 - Do you think there's a driving force that inspires you?
05:52 - Do you have a past pain that's informed your life purpose?
06:29 - What would you say is your favorite creative healing modality for yourself?
07:18 - What would you consider is your greatest accomplishment to date?
08:32 - If you could change one aspect of our society through your work, what would it be?
10:06 - What inspirational advice would you give someone who's struggling?
11:13 - Do you have an inspirational quote that sums up your life journey
12:35 - Additional Sharing

You can find the host Larissa Russell here:

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