Businesswoman and mother of 4. I gave birth to my children, at home, unassisted. I help women discover their greatness in birth beyond their fears. I educate people about and shed light on where our fears come from. How external influences and circumstances instill fears that prevent us from living our dreams. We are all capable of being successful and waking up to the truths is essential to our freedom

Interview Time Stamps

00:57 - Bio
01:59 - Can you share some of your story and your path that brought you to where you are now?
03:11 - What does healing with creativity mean to you?
03:53 - Do you think there's a driving force that inspires you?
04:29 - Do you have a past pain that's informed your life purpose?
05:44 - What would you say is your favorite creative healing modality for yourself?
07:16 - What would you consider is your greatest accomplishment to date?
08:31 - If you could change one aspect of our society through your work, what would it be?
08:54 - What inspirational advice would you give someone who's struggling?
10:04 - Do you have an inspirational quote that sums up your life journey
10:34 - Additional Sharing

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