In this episode, I’m about to tell you a little story of how I started out my day a few days ago and tried on ALL THE CLOTHES and none of them fit me. I was a bit pissed and in the past, I would have been angry with myself thinking I had gained weight or ate too much and my first thought would have been...I need to go on a diet!

Well, I’m blaming the damn clothes this time and I’m about to tell you exactly why. It’s time we stop putting all the blame on ourselves and start looking at WHY the clothes do not fit and WHAT exactly is going through our heads when this happens. 

Believe it or not, most times, it has nothing to do with your weight or needing to go on a diet and it has everything to do with the clothes and a few other factors...

I'm about to drop a few truth bombs, and of course a few F-Bombs...Let’s dive right into that...