I struggled more than half my life with body image issues thinking that if ONLY I were “Skinner” I’d be more accepted and life would be grand.


Well, in this episode I’m talking about how I FINALLY learned the difference between skinny and healthy…They are NOT one and the same!! 

Skinny doesn’t always mean healthy. In fact, it could mean just the opposite and I’m going to share with you exactly WHY!

There’s a difference between being fit and being skinny, and there's a fine line between healthy eating and disordered eating.


At times, my quest to be “healthier” consumed me. I became completely obsessed with the size of my body and what I put in my mouth ( I'd say that's pretty healthy!??!!)


It was literally an emotional roller coaster; my highs (losing two pounds in a week) and my lows (“ruining” my day by eating one cookie) sent me dangerously close to moments of self-loathing, body shaming, undereating and extreme exercising.


The skinnier me was more fucked up mentally when it came to my size and what I ate.

The skinnier me had high cholesterol. ( IN MY EARLY 20s...pretty healthy right there!!) 

The skinnier me obsessed over food and would overexercise and undereat. 

The skinnier me was ALWAYS looking for the next quick fix to make myself SMALLER! 

The skinnier me was UNHEALTHY!!! Physically, mentally and emotionally. 


I don't know about you but THAT is NOT healthy...NONE OF IT!! Yes, society tells us skinny is healthy!! Well, ya know what I have to say about that? FUCK SOCIETY!! 

It took me more than half of my life with these struggles and many more! I always thought I was doing it right...ya know, because "Everyone else was doing it" 

Through my own experiences along with furthering my education in health and wellness, I have learned that SKINNY most definitely does not always equal healthy. YOU can be healthy at any size...yep, I said what I said there!! 

I am sure as hell, not that skinny little "healthy" person I was back then...BUT I am HEALTHY!!

I am happier, healthier, and more confident than I ever could have imagined; though that isn’t to say I haven’t been a bit damaged along the way. It's been a healing experience for sure and it is what I help other women do with my coaching now. 

You get to define TRUE health and for me, I FINALLY figured out that it starts from the inside out!!