In this episode, I’m going to be letting you in on a little secret of the NUMBER ONE habit you need to break in order to see sustainable weight loss. 

Of course there are many habits that can help you lose weight, like eating more vegetables, getting adequate protein, keeping a food journal and moving your body more. 

BUT, there are also some habits that can keep you from seeing the scale move—eating mindlessly, turning to food when you're stressed and drinking your calories to name a few. 

There is ONE HABIT that is deeply ingrained for may of us who have been lifelong dieters, and while most people think it is helping, it actually could be the reason you aren't seeing lasting results. 

This habit is actually slowing down your metabolism and causing us to GAIN weight in the long run…even though the diet industry is jamming it down our throats that it is the be all, end all to weight loss. 

So what IS the number one habit you should break?? Let’s chat about that. Shall we?? 



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